December 2018

Here is Your God! Redeemer

“Here is Your God!” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Fred Prince. Released: 2018. Track 51. Genre: Spoken.

Here is Your God (Isaiah 40:9) The Reconciler

“Here is Your God (Isaiah 40:9) The Reconciler” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Fred Prince. Released: 2018. Track 50. Genre: Spoken.

This is Your God! God Revealed

“This is Your God! God Revealed” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Fred Prince. Released: 2018. Track 49. Genre: Spoken.

“Here Is Your God!”

“”Here Is Your God!”” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Fred Prince. Released: 2018. Track 48. Genre: Spoken.

November 2018


“Thanksgiving” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Jay Bush. Released: 2018. Track 47. Genre: Speech.

Winning Begins With Praise

“Winning Begins With Praise” by Pastor Fred Prince. Released: 2018. Track .

#Stout#tough#MountianMoving FAITH! Live with Your Inheritance In Mind!

“#Stout#tough#MountianMoving FAITH!” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Fred Prince. Released: 2018. Track 44. Genre: Spoken.

#stout#tough#mountainmoving#faith. #TooMuch!!

“#stout#tough#mountainmoving#faith. #TooMuch!!” from 43 by Rev. Fred Prince.

October 2018

#stout #tough #mountainmoving FAITH!

“#stout #tough #mountainmoving FAITH!” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Fred Prince. Released: 2018. Track 42. Genre: Speech.

Stagnant or Exuberant

“Stagnant or Exuberant” from Springfield First Church of the Nazarene by Brandon Tripp. Released: 2018. Track 42. Genre: Speech.